Thursday, February 3, 2011


Hello Everybody!!!
I hope everyone is having a fantastic 2011 thus far into it. I know that mine has been some what exciting and will continue to be different. Last night we got transfer calls and I am staying in Harlem. My companion will be going up to pigskill which is near conneticut, the reason he is leaving after only one cycle is because before the mission he had hernia surgery and all the walking is not good for it. So my new companion is Elder Irvine who seems to have mixed feelings about me, lets just say whenever we have been near each other he hasn't enjoyed it. I am way excited and I have a feeling Elder Irvine will be one of my most favorite companions on my mission, hahaha even if he doesn't know it yet. Anyway Elder Lawrence who came into the mission with me, and who also trained after only 2 cycles, his companion also has a problem with all the walking that is done in Harlem and is also going upstate. His new companion is Elder Garvin who also came into the mission with us and is currently Elder Irvines companion. So basically they are splitting up their companionship and putting them with us. They have been serving in South Manhattan which is SO much different then Harlem that they will most likely have shell shock. Elder Lawrence has also been called to be the new district leader which is really awesome because their are going to be 2 older missionaries in the district. He is a great Elder and will do a fantastic job. Thats really all thats going on here, no new investigators this last week for us anyway. We did get a baptismal date for another companionship and plenty of other refferalls for other missionaries but very few for ourselves. Its ok though because this gospel is not a selfish thing and so its good to help others out in their work and give them people to teach. Sharon Grant is still on date for the 22nd and is still a golden investigator, the PA elders are really happy that a miracle just fell into their laps hahaha. Christ is probably not going to be baptized because he didn't come to church on Sunday and just doesn't seem to commited, but I have still have hope in my heart that he will one day take that step into the water.
I think the thing that I have been learning most these past couple weeks is humility and faith. Humility because lately I have been being a tad bit prideful and been putting myself above others. The Lord has seen this and has given me humbling experiences that will last me a lifetime. Its so important to be humble and willing to learn from one another. We are all children of God, none of us are perfect, we all have different strengths and weaknesses, why not learn from each other and better ourselves through the things that other people can teach us. I know that if we will just open our hearts, eyes, and ears we will be able to recognize different things in our lives in which we can gain knowledge from. It could be the most simplest thing too, and you never would have expected to learn from it but the Lord has a deeper understanding and teaches us when and from things that we least expect. Also I have been learning faith in Jesus Christ, and to trust Him no matter what. This whole cycle has been a really tough one full of an empty teaching pool and a planner full of names and numbers for other missionaries. This has been one of the most humbling and faithbuilding experiences in my life. The reason it has given me a boost of strength is because I have had to put my trust in the Lord and just go to work. Without the Lord I would have given up and handed in the tag by now, but day after day I must go out on the streets of Harlem and raise my voice to the people, the only way I could do this is with strength from the Lord. Many people reject this glad message, and many people are afraid of or not ready to change their life. So many people tell us that they are willing to meet with us and then just disappear, but this is still the Lords work. The Lord is here with us and helping us day after day and I must have faith and truly trust that He is. As long as we are improving even in the slightest and continueing to obey and show Him our faith through our works, He will guide this work, He will help us in our needs, and He will bless us with the things that our best. I truly love all of you and desire for all of you to more fully put your faith in the Lord and just move foward with your hands in His hands. I hope you are all doing well and staying out of trouble. Love you and miss you all.
Elder Shepherd

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