Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Silent Night in Harlem...... haha yea right

Hey hey hey everybody
I love you all and I want to wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! I hope everything is going well back home and everybody is in the Christmas spirit. I heard that it is snowing like crazy in Utah and I miss it so much!! It has snowed once here and it was only a little bit so it was all gone the next day, so its just cold here, no snow, just cold. We are all happy though because Its Christmas time!!!!! HORRAY!!!! Things have been going really well here in Harlem and I have learned a lot of new things. Postivitey is key to happiness, in fact I think being positive is a form of having hope and faith which we all know is very important. Alma 41: 14-15 talks about living a good life and following the example of Christ and good things will be restored unto you. I took as if you have faith in something, Heavenly Father will help you to accomplish that purpose, as long as it is a righteous purpose of course. So if we are positive in good things Heavenly Father will most likely help us to see fruits and be able to bless us with those things things we are working towards. Never give up the positive attitude or the faith, it makes things a lot harder when you lose that and re-finding the faith is a lot harder then just hanging on to it. This past week I have been trying to have a postive attitude in the work and in being able to find new investigators. Then a wonderful thing happened and we began to teach this lady named Sharon Grant. Sharon was recently told by her Grandmothers church folk that she needs to be baptized to be allowed into heaven. I think this was a week or two before she met with us and it set up the scene perfectly for the message we had to share. We taught her about the Book of Mormon and asked her to read it and pray about it. She read it and felt a warm feeling as she read. She didn't get a chance to pray about it before the last time we met but she believes it to be true and is willing to be baptized on jan. 22!!! Now here is the wonderful news!!! She lives in Pennsylvania on the weekends!!!! Which means that we won't be the ones that will baptize her, it will be the Elders in the ward that she lives in on the weekends so she can go to church on Sunday. We will be able to teach her because she lives here during the week cause she works in the city. Its a wonderful experience to be able to help another set of Elders have the experience of baptizing someone. :) Its their Christmas present hahahaha. Well I know that this is a short e-mail but I don't have a lot of time because I have a busy day set up, we are helping this lady from the ward do a childrens toy thing and we have to sing at it so yay. I get to sing. I hope everyone is doing well and I love you all, I am sorry if I have not replied to your letters yet but I will get caught up one day I hope. Just bear with me and if I don't reply I will in 2 years :) haha just kidding I will work on replying to everybody because I really appreciate the letters that everyone sends me. Thank you for being you.
I love you.
Elder Shepherd

Thursday, December 16, 2010

It's Christmas time in the city!!!!

Hey everybody its really cold here in New York, its about 25 degrees today plus the humidity it feels like 10 degrees. Despite the cold we have been able to keep up on our work and already this week we have 8 lessons WOOHOO!! We have also had the pleasure of recieving many referrels for other missionaries and even getting 2 New investigators for the 2 other companionships in our district. We haven't found any news for us yet but we have high hopes that the Lord will bless us for working hard and doing our best. I have felt a little under the weather today but we slept for a while today so hopefully that helped, I really don't want to be sick for Christmas so please pray for me. Nothing super exciting has happened this last week or this wee so far except for the things I have already talked about. Elder Exilus and I met this really smart guy and talked to him for like 20 minutes about the bible and the need for the Book of Mormon. He was saying to us how the bible explains everything we need and by abiding to its precepts we will enter into Gods presence. I explained to him about needing a prophet and the fullness of truth which is contained in the Book of Mormon. He argued the point by saying that God would not let man take the truths from the bible therefore we need no other book. The whole time the guy kept trying to convert us to his point even after I told him we were not there to argue, all we wanted to do was to help bring others unto Christ. He didn't like that because he said that the only way you can truly become close to Christ is by reading the bible and following its precepts, and we were decieved in thinking that anything else could do that. It was actually very nice in what he was trying to do, he was trying to help us have the truth that he had and thats definitley a good thing. Unfortunately he was blinded to the fact that we also had truth. When all was said and done I bore my testimony told him he was doing a good thing in his own ministry and that I hoped he had a good day, then I walked away. Its definitley not worth it to sit and argue with someone about who is right and who is wrong, the best thing we can do is love them and try our hardest to help them in anyway. Its up to them wether they choose to accept the help that we offer. This gospel brings a wonderful change into peoples hearts when they allow it too. I remember the story of Alma the younger and how he and the sons of mosiah and been persecuting the church. Heavenly Father saw this and did His best to help them recieve the life changing gospel into their hearts. As we know an angel of the Lord came to all of them and spoke to them "with a voice like thunder" and told them if they did not stop persecuting the church they would perish. They all had their agency in what they were to choose to do, they could have stopped persecuting the church and just lived a normal everyday life not believing but letting others believe. Fortunately for us they allowed the gospel to change them and bring them to repentance through Jesus Christ and the sacrifice that He would make in the near future. I hope during this time of giving and recieving, helping and loving, we will all allow the gospel to come into our hearts just a little bit more and help us to change and bring us more happiness. Many of my wonderful family and friends have already let this gospel into their lives, but I know from personal experience that we can always let it in a little more. I love all of you and wish you a happy holidays, I am starting to miss home just a little bit, but I know I am where I am supposed to be :) Stay warm everybody and send me letters, I am greedy for letters, Ill admit it. I love you all and miss you. MERRY CHRISTMAS.
Elder Shepherd

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas Packages

If anyone would like to send Keldon a Christmas Package it needs to be there by Dec 10th... Sorry I didn't post this sooner. Anyway, please send it to the Scarsdale address and write CHRISTMAS on the box :) Merry Christmas everyone! :)

Thanksgiving soul style!!!!

I hope everyone enjoyed their thanksgivings and had lots of Turkey and other food that makes you want to fall into a small coma. Here in Harlem for Thanksgiving we got invited to lunch at a members house named Bro. Keitt. He is a really good man and feeds us lunch every thursday so for last thursday he had is home attendant (Estelle) make us a Thanksgiving feast. It was all so good I went back for seconds but that mistake cost me dearly throughout the day. Later that night we got invited to a feast at another members house (The Silvera's) and the food was so so so so good that once again I ate way too much. Then we went to Sister Watson's house who is a really good cook and she fed us once again. This time though instead of the normal Turkey, stuffing, potatoes, cranberries, thanksgiving food items she cooked Soul Food!!! Now I don't know how many of you have had soul food but if you have you know what I'm talking about, Its so weird!!! We had fish and curried goat, shrimp, collard greens, oxtail, macaroni and cheese, fried turkey, and a few other things I can't remember. All the food was delicious and cooked to perfection it was just weird to have different stuff on Thanksgiving, it was definitley an adventure to eat at her house though. Then after Sister Watson's house we went to the Gilmore's house and had pie which was unique and delicious, I have never had cranberry pie before but now its one of my favorites. After that I was done, I couldn't eat anymore and just wanted to sleep for 3 days. Unfortunately I could only sleep 8 hours and then back to hitting the pavement.
I love serving a mission and would never take back the choice to serve, it has been a huge blessing in my life to help me to come closer to Christ and understand the plan of Salvation just a little bit more. Every morning I get a couple hours to study the scriptures and make sure I am ready to help the people resolve concerns in their life and bring them closer to Christ. Yesterday I was reading in Alma 26 where it talks about how mission work is only accomplished through the power of God. Missionaries may be persecuted, spit on, yelled at, cursed at, and many other unpleasant things. They may even be put into unpleasant situations that they must learn from. As long as they have God behind them though they will always be ok and nothing can stop the work.
I love all of you and truly desire that all my friends and family continue striving towards Christ. This is the only way that we can receive eternal happiness and its the only way we can be with our families for time and all eternity. I know this church is true I know Christ is our Savior and I know Heavenly Father loves all of His children.
My new missionary ( Elder Excilus) who I will be training still is not here yet so please pray that he will get better so we can accomplish miracles here in Harlem.
Love you all and best wishes to everybody.
Elder Shepherd

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

An Explosion of Craziness!!!!!!

Hey Everybody!!!!!
I have a lot to write and a very short amount of time to do it, but I will try to get it all in. So transfer calls came on Sunday night and 2 of the people in my apartment left out of the 4 of us that were their. Elder Palu got sent to Newburgh and is called to be zone leader, which is really crazy because he has only been out 6 months. He is a great Elder though and I see why the Lord needs him to be a zone leader. Then we found out that Elder Craig was going to be in New Pultz which is way upstate right by Newburgh so they will both be in the same zone. Then came the most shocking new of all, Elder Lawerence got called to be a trainer... its super crazy because he has only been out 3 months!!!! Then came another shocking update on what would be happening.... Elder Shepherd (me) got called to Train!!!!!! oh man when I heard the news I did not know what to think and I felt all sorts of emotions all at once.
So then on tuesday we all went to the kingsbridge chapel which is in the Bronx and we all waited for the new missionaries and the mission president. When they all arrived we lined up the trainers and the new missionaries and started pairing everybody off. Then is when I found out that the missionary that I am supposed to train is still at the MTC getting tests done because he was sick. He won't arrive in New York for the next couple weeks, so everybody pray for him that he will get better. So basiclly I am in a limbo just chillen with Elder Lawrence and Elder Goode, waiting for Elder Excilus to get here. hmmmm It kind of stinks but oh well I will definitly learn somthing. Woohoo Im excited to train but I know its a huge responsibilty so I will definitly stay close to the Lord and try my hardest to help him learn the best way to be a missionary.
Well I love you all and hope everything is going well. Please send letters. or packages :) i love you all and miss you!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Elder Shepherd

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

O Harlem!!!!

Hey Everybody!!!!
I'm just here in Harlem having a good ole time talking to people and doing the Lords work. Its really awesome how important love is in this work and how important it is in life. Love keeps everything going, if Heavenly Father did'nt love us we wouldn't even exist let alone have a beautiful plan of salvation laid out before us. If people didn't love we would have destroyed oursleves a long time ago, however we could all do a little better at loving one another. Jesus told us that Love is the greatest commandment (Matt 22:37-40) so we should all try our hardest to love more and make this world a better place.
Nothing is really happening here in Harlem, we were teaching this great lady named Peggy who was going to come to church and continue to meet with us, but at the last minute she decided to go to her own church. Yesterday we were supposed to teach her but she wasn't home and wouldn't answer her door, we don't know if something happened but we are praying for her. We have a few other people that may progress but mostly our efforts are focused on finding. One of the Elders in my apartment said that when he first came out he had to come to terms that he was just going to be finding is whole mission, but he is getting baptisms every other week or atleast once a month. So far for me though it has been the exact oppisite, finding all the time everytime. Its good though and I know that as long as I am being obedient and desiring to build the kingdom of God, the Lord will bless me as He sees fit. Its really hard being 2 new missionaries together without an experience missionary but we have been learning a lot faster and doing a lot of trial by errors. Transfers are coming up thought and we know at least one of us is leaving if not both of us, we are really excited and a little bit nervous to see what going to happen.
This last week I learned the power of the Book of Mormon, not only by reading it but by just having it around it gives us a stronger spiritual force against evil. As we are walking through Harlem I try to always have a copy in my hand. I use it to show people how it is needed and they can feel the spirit as I bear testimony that it is true. Its made a huge effect in how the work goes and we have handed out a lot more copies of the Book of Mormon. I encourage all of you to read the Book of Mormon regularly and try to apply the principle into your daily life. Sorry if i don't have that many cool stories but it is really hard to remember everything that we did throughtout the week. I hope you are all doing great and I hope you all have happiness in your life.
Elder Shepherd

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pivotal Moment!!!!!‏

Dear Friends and Family!!!!
I love thinking of the things to put on the subject line of the e-mail. That line has to capture the readers attention so that they desire to read the rest of the e-mail, and not to be prideful or anything but I think the ones I use are pretty darn good :) So this week was fun, I have learned a lot and become a better missionary, I think... anyway I hope everything is going well back home, I miss you all very much, but I'm sure you are all getting the point where you have forgotten about me :(. Just kidding. I love being a missionary even though sometimes it is really hard, I try my hardest to focus all my time on serving the Lord but occasionally I will get caught up in thinking about home or people back home, or random stuff.
This week I realized something really important, it really changed the way I looked at steet contacting and tracting and everything else pertaining to missionary work. The thing I realized this week is the importance of us all being chilren of our Heavenly Father. We ALL lived with Heavenly Father before this life and we ALL chose to come down to this earth to experience mortality and to be tested. This puts all of us on the same page when it comes to this life, we all forgot who we are and where we came from and we are all experiencing a test from Heavenly Father. So here is a few questions that I ask myself sometimes: If this man is my brother why should I be afraid to ask him if he wants to learn about God's plan of Salvation? How can I help these people understand who they are? How can I become more of who I truly am and not who my natural man is?
Those are just a few questions I came up with to help me along my path of being a missionary and a child of God. We truly are brothers and sisters, and for those of us who have recieved the truth of our divine heirship, we have a sacred calling. We must step up and tell the world who they are and what they can become. We must awake our brothers and sisters who haven't recieved this knowledge, to the fact that they have a loving Heavenly Father who wants whats best for them. If we won't do this, who will?
On monday Elder Craig and I had a great experience in being able to teach a lady named Peggy. She is a fantastic lady who really does know Heavenly Father and wants to become closer to Him. We taught her from the scriptures and helped her to understand the true nature of God's plan for His children and the importance and need of a restoration and a living Prophet. Throughout the lesson her countenance seemed to grow brighter and brighter as we spoke of God's love and how He has shown us His love. She got very excited about the Book of Mormon and will definitley pray about it and ask if its true. She is a member of another church and told us that she doesn't want to change because she has been a member for 16 years, but we told her that if she read the Book of Mormon and prayed about it, she would learn it was true and where Heavenly Father truly wants her to be. It was a great lesson and the spirit was so strong, even if she doesn't get baptized atleast we helped her along the way just a little bit more. :)
I love all of you and am praying for all of you to learn more about the gospel of Jesus Christ and become more aware of who you truly are. We can all become stronger and closer to God if we just trust in the Lord and walk in His path.
Its really cold here in New York and its a bitter cold. Just to let all of you know I don't have an accent yet, and I don't plan on getting one. People in Harlem talk really funny and most of them have bad pronunciation so yea...
Love you all and hope things are good.
Elder Shepherd

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Blessingz with a z!

Dear Family and Friends
Wooohoooo my first baptism was this last Saturday and it was such a great experience. It really does make all the hard times worth it to see the person step into the water and act in faith towards the Lord and be baptized. Elder Craig did the actual baptism and I was able to do the confirmation. I was really nervous because its in front of the whole congregation during sacrament meeting. It went really well except that the kid that was holding the mic accidentally hit me in the mouth, it didn't hurt but it just made a poping sound in the mic and it was kind of funny. haha. We continue to search out to find the elect who are ready to accept this gospel but the fruits are few and far between. We have been really blessed to find 2 this week already and we are praying that they will progress and want to be baptized in the future. I hope everyone is doing well back home and Thank you all for the letters and packages that I have recieved (Aunt Judy and Loni) I really really appreciate all the mail I get and it always brightens my day.
So this sunday ( the same day as Ronells confirmation) was the primary program for the Harlem 1st ward. The whole Sacrament was done entirely by the primary children and it was so amazing. The spirit was so strong and my testimony definitly became stronger through hearing the words of a child. The children really are our future and we must continue to help them find and stay on the right path, sometimes the youth think its ok to stray off the path so they can gain knowledge of what not to do. They think that if they leave they can quickly come back to the straight and narrow and be a better and stronger person for having strayed and learned what the "world" has to offer. They are sorely mistaken when they think this because it is much easier said then done to make it make on the path of righteousness. The straight and narrow is the way to eternal happiness and eternal life, their is never any need to stray from it or to let go of the iron rod so you can be stronger. The Lord is the one that makes us stronger, not the world. Everyday here in Harlem I see youth who live lives of destruction and sin, I truly do not have place to judge them for I don't know thier circumstance, but I can see the pain that it brings into their lives. Even though I don't know their situation I do know that the Lord and Savior has His arm extended to everybody, everywhere, in every situation. We can always choose to follow the Lord and it will ALWAYS be the best thing we can do. The Savior lives and He loves all of us. I am so blessed to be able to bring this knowledge to people each and everyday for 2 years. Even though sometimes it might become hard, frustrating and seem unbearable, we are all children of God and we all deserve to have the truth in our lives. I love all of you and pray for all of you. Sorry if I can't write many letters, i am working on getting more written but thier is a lot to do on Preperation day. Stay safe and choose the right.
Elder Keldon James Shepherd

This is my temporary Home!!!!!‏

Dear Family and Friends
Yes the subject line of this e-mail is a Carrie Underwood song, yes we can listen to it, yes i almost have the whole thing memorized because one of the Elders in my apartment loves to listen to it, no i don't sound like Carrie Underwood when I sing it. How is everybody??? I got a lot of letters and e-mails this week and that made me very happy!!!! Thank you everybody for the support and prayers that you have given in my behalf, but remember that I am only the messanger, please pray for those recieving the message that they will recieve it into their hearts and see the truth of it.
This week has been hard just like last weeks. It has been full of people who just want to argue and other people who just don't want to listen. I found a trick to stay positve though, I have started measuring my success by my own conversion. After every bad contact or after a solid our of people who don't want to listen I ask my self, "Do I know that this church is true more now then I did yesterday?" If I can answer yes to that answer then it has been a good day and if I can't then I just keep pushing myself till I can. Its a useful technique that I use on those hard days :) Something cool that happened the other day is this man named Leo who I street contacted into. He had all the right questions and had all the right docterines about God and the bible. For a few minutes I thought that he might be a member that was just messing with me but I never let it off that he was even after the 2 hour lesson that we had in the chapel. He gave us his number and said he was going to come to church, it was really an uplifting experience and made my day a lot better. He didn't come to church though and he won't answer his phone. Oh well atleast we may have helped him find the truth just a little bit more.
Ronnell is getting baptized this saturday!!! He asked Elder Craig to perform the baptism and I will be confirming him on Sunday, we just really hope he doesn't show up late to ether of those meetings. He has a tendency to do that a lot of the time, please pray for him.. This church is true and I love all of you and hope that you are all coming to Christ just a little bit more. keep sending letters please :) Oh and read Mosiah 18 very carefully, it is basiclly the covenant we make at baptism and we should all brush up on it.
Love Elder Shepherd

Friday, October 22, 2010


It has really been hard here in Harlem since my trainer left Elder Craig and I to fend for ourselves on the streets of one of the most close minded areas in the world. Harlem has a church on the corner of every block and that makes it really hard to help people see that Christ true church has been restored. Most people have a pretty strong faith in Christ which is really really good but they don't understand that they don't have a fulness of truth or the authority to do the things to be saved in the kingdom God. Even though its hard we are keeping a postive attitude and having a hope for better days. Ronnell has a job now and he is not meeting with us very often because his job takes up a lot of his time. We are trying to help him realize how much he needs the gospel in his life and that he needs to be baptized soon. He is doing better then all the other investigators that we had, all of them have pretty much dropped off of the face of the earth.
A pretty cool experience that happened yesterday is when we were going to look up a less active lady. So we were walking up the road that she lived on and we were walking next to this lady. I decided I was going to contact her and see if she was interested in learning about the church. Well she was very nice and knew what we were doing but she wasn't interested in hearing about it. So I just did what I normally do and just kept talking to her so atleast she could have a postive influence with the church. As we talked she finally revealed to us that she was baptized into the LDS church when she was 14 years old, along with her mother. I was so excited when I heard this that I told her that
"We are your welcome home party!!!! WOOOOO!!" and totally invited her to come back to church and we would love to see her, then I asked her name and she told us. Her name sounded really familiar and a thought came to mind to look at the look up list that we had, but i ignored this prompting and kept talking to her about the church. She then told us she lived in Queens and so she couldn't come to the ward in Harlem. So we gave her are phone number and told her to call us so we could give her info to the Queens Elders. She said ok and said bye and walked across the street and then i looked at the look up list. Then I realized the lady that we were going to look up was the lady we were talking to just a second ago. So we decided to go see her at her apartment which was right across the street where she walked to. So we got to her door and knocked and a dog started barking, then an eye looked through peep hole and then the dog stopped barking and the apartment went silent. I guess she found it creepy that we showed up to her door right after talking to her on the street, I think she thought we followed her. The moral of the story is to ALWAYS follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost and if you do you will be guided what to do to not make yourself look like a creep.. oh well .... :)
I hope everything is going well back home and I would love to hear from everybody.... I only got one e-mail from my family this week and it was very short.... and only one letter... it was a great letter... Im not complaining....just know.....writing missionaries brings blessings.... :)
Love you all
-Elder Shepherd

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Dear family and friends,
Its been a trying but good week here in Harlem and I am really missing home and everybody. The one investigator who's baptism was going to be on saturday has decided he needs to wait till the 30th to get baptised. Its a little frustrating but I think its for the best because we still have a lot to teach him. Transfer calls were yesterday and Elder Craig and I are taking over the area while our trainer ( Elder Duran) is going to be the new assistant to the President. That means all of my trainers in the mission field have been Asisstants to the President, I have a lot to live up to in the family tree. No big crazy events have happened except for we talked to this lady in our ward and she told us her conversion story. So she was 9 months pregnant and was living at this family house who were all members, she had been taking the missionary lessons for a while but had never accepted to be baptised. On this particular night she was in a severe amount of pain due to being 9 months pregnant and was having a really really bad night. Then she woke up in the middle of the night and there was a man sitting on her bed. The man explained to her that she needed to join the mormon church becauseit was the only true church on earth. He then told her the reason it was the true church was because it had a true Prophet of God to lead and guide it. She described this man to be about 6 feet or so with reddish brown hair and a scar below his left eye. He also walked with a slight limp and wore old fashion clothing. This man told her that his name was Joseph Smith and then touched her stomach and all her pain went away. He then got up and walked out of the house with her following him, after he left she ran through the house screaming " I have seen him, I have seen him!!!!" She did not have anymore pregnancy pain till 3 days later when she had her baby girl named paula. It was so amazing to her this story and I really feel it is true because I felt the spirit when she said it and the sincerity in her eyes and tone of voice I don't think she could fake. I know that this church really is the true church of God and President Monson is the true Prophet of God to lead and guide the church. Conference was awesome and I hope all of you got to have the experience of feeling the spirit testify that the leaders of this church truly are called of God. I hope you all had questions in mind that you recieved answers to and I hope you recieved comfort and counsel.
Stay close to God through prayer, Learn His will through pondering and studying the scripture study, Better yourself by concentrating your efforts on helping others around you, Humble yourself by admitting your faults and trying your hardest to fix them. Love more, Learn more, and Live more, because this truly is our time of probation that we come to follow God or follow our own natural man. I love you all and hope and pray for your spiritual and physical welfare. Remember the Lord and you will ultimately find truth no matter what.
Elder Shepherd

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Letters from Keldon

I made it to New York safe and sound and everthing is great! My first area is Scarsdale, and I am the new Assistant to the President!!!!! Just kidding, but seriously my trainers are the Assistants to the President and they are both amazing! Elder Fox and Elder Butler are my companions and they are great missionaries. We got to drive to upstate New York today and its absolutely gorgeous, everything is so green. I love this gospel and am very excited to serve the Lord for 2 years. I know that this is the Lords church and it well bless our lives if we let it. I was reading in D&C on the way here and section 6 really touched my heart and helped me to see that this Gospel has given me the light in my life and without it I would be lost. This Gospel answers all the questions of the soul and WILL I repeat WILL guide us back into Heavenly Fathers presence.
I have some bad news though, all the pictures on my memory got deleted. I don't have any pictures of my experience in the MTC or from before that so I won't be able to send you any, Sorry. I hope everything is going good back home and I dearly miss all of you but to be honest I have never been happier :) I love everybody and i hope i get lots of letters from all of you. Ill try to send a much longer e-mail next wednesday(wednesdays are my preparation day here) but this week I have a lot to do so its not as long. I suggest all of you study your scriptures and pray regularly though, I promise that no matter what kind of trial you are having doing those things will help.
Elder Keldon James Shepherd

Then Keldon got moved to a new area - Harlem NY
Hello everybody!!!!! It has been a super fantastic week here in Harlem, New York. We have had a lot of teaching appointments and even more street contacts. The major people we are teaching right now are Terrence Young, and Rosemary and Anthony. Ill start by telling about Terrance. Terrence owns a barber shop across the street from the church and he is a super great guy. He cuts Chris Rock's hair and a couple of other celebrities so everybody knows him and loves him. The missionaries started teaching him a couple of weeks ago and they took him on a tour of the chapel here in Harlem ( which is absolutely beautiful). He loved the chapel and had so many questions for the missionaries. Since I have been here we have taught him about the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ and about the Book of Mormon. He has been reading the Book of Mormon pretty regularly and he always has questions. The other night we were talking with him about the gospel of Jesus Christ and what a person must do to be able to return to Heavenly Father again someday. All of a sudden we started talking about the first vision and one of us quoted JSH 1:16-17. He stepped back and let out a deep breathe and then asked every single one of us to recite the sacred manifestation of the Prophet Joseph Smith. After we had all quoted it Terrence told us that he had prayed about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon and he knew that they were both true, he then said that he wanted to be baptized in 2 weeks!!! We told him that we still had to go over a few stuff and that he had to quit a few things before he could be baptized so we set the date for October 9th!!! Its going to be my first baptism!!! Terrence is such a great man and he will be a great asset to the church and he will also be a stepping stone in getting his girlfriend baptised also.
Now on to Rosemary and Anthony. So Elder Craig and I left Elder Duran because we had 2 appointments at once so he was going to go with a member to the other appointment. So we went to the Polo grounds, which is one of the most ghetto places in NY, once you step foot on the grounds you feel the spirit come closer and tighter around you and you can feel the badness all around you. Its ok though because we have the Lord on our side. Anyway Rosemary and Anthony live in the Polo grounds so we went their to teach them yesterday and once we got their they were playing music so loud in their apartment that they couldn't hear the phone or the door. So we decided to go outside and say a prayer. Right before we were about to say the prayer Elder Craig decides to call them one more time and guess what... They answered!!!!! So we told them we would be up in just a minute. We still said a prayer but it was a prayer of thanks rather then a plea for a miracle. So we went and taught Rosemary and Anthony about the Plan of Salvation. Rosemary's grandma had just passed away so it was very cool for her to be able to understand that we will be able to see our loved ones after this life. The great thing was when we talked about the Atonement, Anthony's countenance totally changed and everybody felt the spirit so strong!!! After we got through with the lesson we invited them to come to church and to be baptised on the 9th of October.... They totally accepted!!!! So we have 3 bapt. dates already set up for next month and we have been getting a lot of new investigators. Its awesome because we are being helped by the Lord and helping Him to build up His kingdom. Some people are mean to us and we have been called a cult a few times but the times when people's lives our changed through are message is what makes the mission. This church is true and Christ is our Savior. please pray for all the investigators that we have and for the people who need us. Thank you all so much for the letters and words of encouragement. I try my hardest to write everybody back but I don't have a lot of time on Preparation day.

Oh by the way we had a multi zone conference yesterday and we learned about recieving revelation through church attendance. It so important to go to church and recieve that comforting spirit for the rest of the week.

Elder Shepherd
P.S. Remember that the road to salvation always leads through the garden of gethsemane. thats a quote from Elder Holland. Oh and everbody should read 2 Nephi 33. Bye

Hey everybody its rainy here in Harlem and I finally got to test out my new trench coat. Lets just say I looked just like Neo from the matrix, it was awesome. The work is difficult here, we are still getting turned down a lot and some people are extremely mean. We just tell them to have a good day and we pray that Heavenly Father will help to soften their hearts. All of the Baptismal dates we set fell throught but luckily we have the Lord on our side and He gave us a miracle. One day we were going to an appointment and ran into this guy named Ronnel. Elder Duran asked if he needed help quitting smoking and he said he did so we got his info and told him we would call him. We have met with him a few times and he has accepted to be baptized on the 16th of October its so cool. The problem is that Ronnel is ALWAYS late, not just is he late but he is LATE!! He usually shows up about 4 hours after the scheduled time that we were supposed to meet. Fortunately whenever he shows up we are usually at the church and we aren't busy. The Lord will guide those that are ready even if they have a problem being on time. Not only is Ronnel a miracle but he brought his friend to a lesson last night ( only 3 hours late) and we taught her. The spirit was so strong and we were able to answer many of her questions that she has had for a while. She also accepted to be baptized but her baptism will be on the 23rd and she really wants her son to be baptized too!! The Lord gave us 3 baptisms within a couple of weeks!!! It really strengthened my testimony about the divinity of this work and that it truly is the Lords work and not ours.
I great member that I met is named Brother Keitt, whats great about him is that he is so spiritual and so faithful to the truth and this church. In his apartment he has 3 chairs set up that are reserved for the Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost. If you sit in one of them he will get really mad, Elder Butler told us a story when he accidently sat in one. Bro. Keitt also call his place "Zion Headquaters" and does a lot of work to build up the kingdom of God. He is such a great man and so understanding of everybodies situation. He knows everyone needs this gospel but he also realizes that everyone will come in thier own pace. He has taught me a lot and feed me a lot too. Thank you so much for everybodies support and prayers. I miss everybody and hope you are all doing wonderfully in your lives. Just remember that we all must strive to build Heavenly Fathers Kingdom in our own way. Oh by the way the Manhattan Temple is absolutely beautiful it is now in my top 3. Love you all and may God be with you till we meet again.
-Elder Shepherd

Hey Family and Friends
Not much has gone on this past week but a few things. These French guys who make french documentaries came to Harlem and made a documentary on all the communities in Harlem. One of these communities was the Mormon community!!! Thats right Elder Shepherd is gonna be famous in France!!!! I don't think I will be in it that much, Its mostly my Trainer Elder Duran and the sister missionaries and this member named Sister Dickey. The French guys followed us around as we did some street contacting a recorded a really legit lesson with some people who own a restaurant. It was cool to see that people want to learn about us and why we do what we do. We tried are hardest to get the french guys to want to be baptised but they never accepted the commitment haha.
General Conference was Awesome!!!!!! I learned so much from every talk and I felt the spirit testify that the Prophet and Apostles are truly called of God. This church is true and its only through baptism by the proper authority that a person can enter into the kingdom of God. And living worthily of course. It was just so awesome to have the Prophet and apostles speak to us and let us know what we need to do to lead better lives. Every word they said spoke to the very center of my soul and I have been a change man since. I am very proud of my big brother Keagan who let me know that he watch quite a bit of conference, good Job bro I am very proud of you.
One thing that I have learned this past week that has helped me a lot is that we choose to be happy. Nobody can choose for us if we wiill be happy or not, we have to be the one to make that decision. I challenge everybody to strive to be happy in every and any situation. I promise that it will make a huge impact in your life. We have been having a rough time here in Harlem because talking to so many people all day long that don't want to hear the message or are opposed to the church really gets you down sometimes. Then I read a talk by President Wirthlin and he talked about choosing to be happy. So I took the challenge and it has truly made my mission 10x more fun and makes it go by a lot faster. If we will strive to live this gospel and have a postive attitude the Holy Ghost will be with us, the Lord wiill bless us in ways that we can not even imagiine. We will not have fear of the unknown but we will have a firm belief in God that He will guide us and protect us. One man that we taught this week named Marian needs the happiness this gospel brings. He is started on the path that many of us have been on or are on. Its so amazing to see what changes this gospel can make in the lives of others. Well I hope everything is going good and everybody is healty and happy. I love all of you and want you to know that I know that this church is the true church of God. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ live and love all of mankind. Heavenly Father has a plan for our happiness and all we have to do is follow his son and we can have happiness.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

So long!!!

Well, the big day finally came for Keldon to go into the MTC! We all met at the house at about eight that morning for him to be set apart as a missionary. The words that the Stake President spoke were awesome! The spirit was definitely there and it was STRONG! After he was all set apart, he finished packing and we all hung out until it was time to go to lunch.

The bishopric and the Stake President after Keldon was set apart.

Loni and Keldon shaking hands goodbye.

Mom and Keldon

Mom, Keldon and Dad.

Grandma and Grandpa Shepherd with Keldon.

Keagan, Keldon, and I.

Ryan, Tyson, Me and Keldon.

Keldon and Tyson.

Christian and Keldon.

We had a wonderful and delicious lunch at Tucanos! We laughed and talked and ate a ton! We were all SO full. Then we had desert lol!

Ryan and I.

Keldon, Mom, and Dad eating at Tucanos.

Mom, Keldon and Dad agian :)

Then it was time to head to the MTC...
Getting his bags out and ready to walk down to the MTC and say goodbye...

Last few pictures together for two whole years!

Goodbye Grandma and Grandpa, see you in two years!

Ry and Keld.

It finally hit me... I couldn't believe I wasn't going to see him for two years!!!

It hit Keagan too!

Goodbye dad! Love you!

Goodbye Mom!

One last shot of him leaving.... See ya buddy!

Monday, August 9, 2010

August 8th-FAREWELL

On Sunday, August 8th, Keldon spoke in church for his "farewell". He did such a wonderful job! The spirit was so strong, and it really showed just how prepared Keldon really is!
Afterwards, friends and family gathered to celebrate. Keldon and his friend Ammon go into the MTC on the same day, and they spoke at almost the same time, so they combined the after party! There were a lot of people, and it was so much fun!
Keldon we will miss you! But we are grateful for what you are doing! You are going to do great! Love you tons!


Grandma Sally, Keagan, Mom, Bonnie and Tyson
Keldon talking to some friends.

Me (keldon's sister) Not feeling well at all :(
Mom and Dad
Grandma and Grandpa Barratt
Grandpa Shepherd
Chance's mom and Dad holding Tyson
Uncle Mark
Erin and Roman

Keagan and Mason

Ryan, Bonnie, Mindy, Jace and Melissa