Thursday, February 3, 2011

Harlem nights and Harlem days.

Hello family and friends!!!
I hope everyone is been doing fantastic lately. I have been getting some awesome letters from a lot of people and I would like to thank all of you who have been sending letters and stuff. When missionaries get letters it really motivates us and helps us to know that our loved ones know where we are and love and support us. So thank you everyone and yes I hope you are all having a super great week.
Things are interesting here in Harlem, my new companion is named Elder Irvine and he goes home in about 3 months. Its awesome to be able to get a perspective on missionary work from someone who know so much, then again when your about to go home in 3 months sometimes its hard to stay motivated. We are working hard though and this week we have found a few people who may be interested in hearing the message. Also the lady who we have been working with has not been able to meet with us in a while and their may be a few complications with her and her daughters getting baptized. If everyone could please pray for them that would be super awesome, we need as much help as we can get. Not many spiritually uplifting experiences have happened this week, but hopefully this next week we will see a miracle and have an awesome burst of spiritual awesomeness!!! Something awesome and cool that we did see this week is a Hawk!!! One night we were walking through a project on our way to look up a fromer investigator and suddenly we saw a hawk sitting on a fence just staring at everyone who walked by. We walked right up to it (after a few minutes of standing there in shock) and we took a bunch of pictures. Then we went into the apartment and did the look up. After we got rejected and walked out of the project their was a bunch of guys standing around freaking out about the hawk. They all seemed really gangster and were all afraid of the hawk. We started walking toward the hawk and they all were like " Do you see that thing!? it will tear you apart!" So we told them it wouldn't bother them if they didn't bother it and so they followed us as we walked past. As we were walking past they were saying that they were going to punch it if it came after them, haha it was super hilarious and really showed us how truly gangster Harlem gangster are. They don't even dare go near a little bird with sharp claws, but the little missionaries from Utah and Cali dare to be wild and stand up close and personal with the dangerous bird of prey. Shows how much strength the Lord gives us haha. Anyway though this e-mail is going to be really short but I love all of you and hope to hear more from you guys. Love you.
-Elder Shepherd

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