Friday, March 4, 2011

New Canaan!!!!!

Hello Friends and Family
I am writing from the richest zip code in the United States, thats not bragging but I am just explaining what kind of place I am serving in. Its amazing here and I feel so loved and taken care of by the New Canaan members. I have a super awesome great companion who loves to work hard and have fun so I am really looking forward to serving with him for a while. Yesterday we went tracting on a street full of HUGE houses and it was way cool. Nobody let us in but we still had a lot of fun, I slipped and fell on the ice 3 times and one time I hit really hard, but we both laughed about how funny I looked when I fell. Elder Beswick didn't know what to do with me cause I kept falling over and stuff haha. We have 2 baptisms coming up in March, a girl named Sasha and a guy named Matt. They are both way ready for the gospel and have been prepared throughout their lives to be able to receive it. Its truly amazing to see God's hand in our lives and how He knows us perfectly well to be able to put certain things or people into our lives so that we may be influenced to come closer to Him. Every person that I have met that has accepted a baptismal date has had something in their life that has lead them to want to know more and more about God and ultimately leading them to the truth of receiving the fullness of truth contained in this Gospel.
People say that I am going to get fat while I am up here in New Canaan, the member feed us a lot and usually give us some stuff to take home. Since I got here on Thursday we have not missed a dinner appointment with a member, I fell really really taking care of. Oh and yesterday I saw Deer!!!!! Thats kind of random but its ok because I haven't seen deer since I left Utah and its really cool to see Deer!!! I don't really have any cool stories to tell since I have only been in this area for less then a week but I am sure that they next letter I send will be a lot better ( I think thats what I said in my last e-mail). Ok I have one cool story that is kind of spiritual too, Elder Larsen ( an Elder in my apartment) and I were on a split for a district blitz and we were tracting for the sisters. Well we came across this door and knocked and this huge guy opened up the door and just let us in. His name is Ramon and he is way way cool!! For a long time he has been searching for God and looking for truth, and every thing that he said connected to the message that we were there to share. We taught him a little bit about the restoration and gave him a Book of Mormon and told him the sisters would be back soon to bring him one in spanish. Well the sisters went by that same day talked to him and they said he is way solid and definitely wants to learn more. I am going to keep up on him and finding out about his progression and it will be awesome to see him progress in the gospel. Sorry if this e-mail was confusing I am being distracted by a bunch of Elders talking around me as I write and since I get distracted very easily it is really hard to write a spiritual e-mail and have a lot of noise around me. I want to hear how everyones doing so keep the letters coming. I promise I will do better next time.. Love you
Elder Shepherd

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