Wednesday, November 17, 2010

O Harlem!!!!

Hey Everybody!!!!
I'm just here in Harlem having a good ole time talking to people and doing the Lords work. Its really awesome how important love is in this work and how important it is in life. Love keeps everything going, if Heavenly Father did'nt love us we wouldn't even exist let alone have a beautiful plan of salvation laid out before us. If people didn't love we would have destroyed oursleves a long time ago, however we could all do a little better at loving one another. Jesus told us that Love is the greatest commandment (Matt 22:37-40) so we should all try our hardest to love more and make this world a better place.
Nothing is really happening here in Harlem, we were teaching this great lady named Peggy who was going to come to church and continue to meet with us, but at the last minute she decided to go to her own church. Yesterday we were supposed to teach her but she wasn't home and wouldn't answer her door, we don't know if something happened but we are praying for her. We have a few other people that may progress but mostly our efforts are focused on finding. One of the Elders in my apartment said that when he first came out he had to come to terms that he was just going to be finding is whole mission, but he is getting baptisms every other week or atleast once a month. So far for me though it has been the exact oppisite, finding all the time everytime. Its good though and I know that as long as I am being obedient and desiring to build the kingdom of God, the Lord will bless me as He sees fit. Its really hard being 2 new missionaries together without an experience missionary but we have been learning a lot faster and doing a lot of trial by errors. Transfers are coming up thought and we know at least one of us is leaving if not both of us, we are really excited and a little bit nervous to see what going to happen.
This last week I learned the power of the Book of Mormon, not only by reading it but by just having it around it gives us a stronger spiritual force against evil. As we are walking through Harlem I try to always have a copy in my hand. I use it to show people how it is needed and they can feel the spirit as I bear testimony that it is true. Its made a huge effect in how the work goes and we have handed out a lot more copies of the Book of Mormon. I encourage all of you to read the Book of Mormon regularly and try to apply the principle into your daily life. Sorry if i don't have that many cool stories but it is really hard to remember everything that we did throughtout the week. I hope you are all doing great and I hope you all have happiness in your life.
Elder Shepherd

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