Wednesday, November 24, 2010

An Explosion of Craziness!!!!!!

Hey Everybody!!!!!
I have a lot to write and a very short amount of time to do it, but I will try to get it all in. So transfer calls came on Sunday night and 2 of the people in my apartment left out of the 4 of us that were their. Elder Palu got sent to Newburgh and is called to be zone leader, which is really crazy because he has only been out 6 months. He is a great Elder though and I see why the Lord needs him to be a zone leader. Then we found out that Elder Craig was going to be in New Pultz which is way upstate right by Newburgh so they will both be in the same zone. Then came the most shocking new of all, Elder Lawerence got called to be a trainer... its super crazy because he has only been out 3 months!!!! Then came another shocking update on what would be happening.... Elder Shepherd (me) got called to Train!!!!!! oh man when I heard the news I did not know what to think and I felt all sorts of emotions all at once.
So then on tuesday we all went to the kingsbridge chapel which is in the Bronx and we all waited for the new missionaries and the mission president. When they all arrived we lined up the trainers and the new missionaries and started pairing everybody off. Then is when I found out that the missionary that I am supposed to train is still at the MTC getting tests done because he was sick. He won't arrive in New York for the next couple weeks, so everybody pray for him that he will get better. So basiclly I am in a limbo just chillen with Elder Lawrence and Elder Goode, waiting for Elder Excilus to get here. hmmmm It kind of stinks but oh well I will definitly learn somthing. Woohoo Im excited to train but I know its a huge responsibilty so I will definitly stay close to the Lord and try my hardest to help him learn the best way to be a missionary.
Well I love you all and hope everything is going well. Please send letters. or packages :) i love you all and miss you!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Elder Shepherd

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