Wednesday, November 3, 2010

This is my temporary Home!!!!!‏

Dear Family and Friends
Yes the subject line of this e-mail is a Carrie Underwood song, yes we can listen to it, yes i almost have the whole thing memorized because one of the Elders in my apartment loves to listen to it, no i don't sound like Carrie Underwood when I sing it. How is everybody??? I got a lot of letters and e-mails this week and that made me very happy!!!! Thank you everybody for the support and prayers that you have given in my behalf, but remember that I am only the messanger, please pray for those recieving the message that they will recieve it into their hearts and see the truth of it.
This week has been hard just like last weeks. It has been full of people who just want to argue and other people who just don't want to listen. I found a trick to stay positve though, I have started measuring my success by my own conversion. After every bad contact or after a solid our of people who don't want to listen I ask my self, "Do I know that this church is true more now then I did yesterday?" If I can answer yes to that answer then it has been a good day and if I can't then I just keep pushing myself till I can. Its a useful technique that I use on those hard days :) Something cool that happened the other day is this man named Leo who I street contacted into. He had all the right questions and had all the right docterines about God and the bible. For a few minutes I thought that he might be a member that was just messing with me but I never let it off that he was even after the 2 hour lesson that we had in the chapel. He gave us his number and said he was going to come to church, it was really an uplifting experience and made my day a lot better. He didn't come to church though and he won't answer his phone. Oh well atleast we may have helped him find the truth just a little bit more.
Ronnell is getting baptized this saturday!!! He asked Elder Craig to perform the baptism and I will be confirming him on Sunday, we just really hope he doesn't show up late to ether of those meetings. He has a tendency to do that a lot of the time, please pray for him.. This church is true and I love all of you and hope that you are all coming to Christ just a little bit more. keep sending letters please :) Oh and read Mosiah 18 very carefully, it is basiclly the covenant we make at baptism and we should all brush up on it.
Love Elder Shepherd

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