Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pivotal Moment!!!!!‏

Dear Friends and Family!!!!
I love thinking of the things to put on the subject line of the e-mail. That line has to capture the readers attention so that they desire to read the rest of the e-mail, and not to be prideful or anything but I think the ones I use are pretty darn good :) So this week was fun, I have learned a lot and become a better missionary, I think... anyway I hope everything is going well back home, I miss you all very much, but I'm sure you are all getting the point where you have forgotten about me :(. Just kidding. I love being a missionary even though sometimes it is really hard, I try my hardest to focus all my time on serving the Lord but occasionally I will get caught up in thinking about home or people back home, or random stuff.
This week I realized something really important, it really changed the way I looked at steet contacting and tracting and everything else pertaining to missionary work. The thing I realized this week is the importance of us all being chilren of our Heavenly Father. We ALL lived with Heavenly Father before this life and we ALL chose to come down to this earth to experience mortality and to be tested. This puts all of us on the same page when it comes to this life, we all forgot who we are and where we came from and we are all experiencing a test from Heavenly Father. So here is a few questions that I ask myself sometimes: If this man is my brother why should I be afraid to ask him if he wants to learn about God's plan of Salvation? How can I help these people understand who they are? How can I become more of who I truly am and not who my natural man is?
Those are just a few questions I came up with to help me along my path of being a missionary and a child of God. We truly are brothers and sisters, and for those of us who have recieved the truth of our divine heirship, we have a sacred calling. We must step up and tell the world who they are and what they can become. We must awake our brothers and sisters who haven't recieved this knowledge, to the fact that they have a loving Heavenly Father who wants whats best for them. If we won't do this, who will?
On monday Elder Craig and I had a great experience in being able to teach a lady named Peggy. She is a fantastic lady who really does know Heavenly Father and wants to become closer to Him. We taught her from the scriptures and helped her to understand the true nature of God's plan for His children and the importance and need of a restoration and a living Prophet. Throughout the lesson her countenance seemed to grow brighter and brighter as we spoke of God's love and how He has shown us His love. She got very excited about the Book of Mormon and will definitley pray about it and ask if its true. She is a member of another church and told us that she doesn't want to change because she has been a member for 16 years, but we told her that if she read the Book of Mormon and prayed about it, she would learn it was true and where Heavenly Father truly wants her to be. It was a great lesson and the spirit was so strong, even if she doesn't get baptized atleast we helped her along the way just a little bit more. :)
I love all of you and am praying for all of you to learn more about the gospel of Jesus Christ and become more aware of who you truly are. We can all become stronger and closer to God if we just trust in the Lord and walk in His path.
Its really cold here in New York and its a bitter cold. Just to let all of you know I don't have an accent yet, and I don't plan on getting one. People in Harlem talk really funny and most of them have bad pronunciation so yea...
Love you all and hope things are good.
Elder Shepherd

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